martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Urban Leyend Venezuelan

The Eurasian
The Eurasian is amazing what Venezuelan plains. Those who have seen (and survived) have to be a man anatomically disproportionate, very tall and slender, measuring about six feet, and while moving above the treetops, it emits a blood-curdling hiss.
Legend has it that is the soul in torment of a child who was very spoiled. One day he told his dad he wanted to eat entrails of deer and her father was solicitous to catch one. For his tardiness was to find his father and seeing that brought nothing, killed his father and took guts for her mother the cook. As they are not softened, the mother suspected that were the "innards" of his wife. And when I asked her son confessed the truth.
With great pain cursed him "pa 'to' life '. His brother John followed him with a "foreman," I heard a gourd of hot pepper and sprinkled him with this kind of wounds, and he nudged the dog "Tureco" until the end of the world will pursue him and bite him heels while loading bones in a sack of his father.
The Eurasian attacks men and drunken revelers, to which the navel sucks pull their liquor. Many legends state that when it came to a house Warbler in the night hours, unloading the bag and has bones one by one, if no one can hear a family member dies at dawn.
If you feel the hiss very strong, is that far away, but if it's the reverse, is right behind you. To save, remember what happened.

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